Tuesday, March 09, 2010

In a Nutshell - 5: Pearls of Parenting Wisdom and Humor

  • Developing brains need songs. Research is clear on that. Songs awaken memories too. They’re the hooks to hang your memories on. (Tom Hunter)
  • Be careful not to get smug because the gods of pregnancy are usually fair. In other words, if you don’t get morning sickness, you will probably be cursed with uncontrollable gas. (Vicki Iovine)
  • Work for justice. Struggle for forgiveness. Choose love. (Patricia Benson)
  • You see your child as a companion with the qualities you have or would like to have. (Naemi Stilman, M.D.)
  • I’m having trouble managing the mansion. What I need is a wife. (Governor Ella Grasso)
  • The only thing that seems eternal and natural in motherhood is ambivalence. (Jane Lazarre)
  • I was awake for the whole unbelievable birth. It was so emotional I sobbed through the entire experience….And then I saw the doctor lift him up. It is the single most amazing experience a human being could ever have. (Kathie Lee Gifford)

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